procedure TServerContainer1.DSAuthenticationManager1UserAuthenticate(
Sender: TObject; const Protocol, Context, User, Password: string; var valid: Boolean; UserRoles: TStrings);begin { TODO : Validate the client user and password. If role-based authorization is needed, add role names to the UserRoles parameter } if (User=authParams.user) and (Password=authParams.password) then valid := True else valid := False;end;在这个事件里面,判断已经连接上来的用户,对ServerMethod的调用是否合法,注视里也写了,默认是如何检测是否合法的。
procedure TServerContainer1.DSAuthenticationManager1UserAuthorize( Sender: TObject; EventObject: TDSAuthorizeEventObject; var valid: Boolean); begin { TODO : Authorize a user to execute a method. Use values from EventObject such as UserName, UserRoles, AuthorizedRoles and DeniedRoles. Use DSAuthenticationManager1.Roles to define Authorized and Denied roles for particular server methods. } //valid := True; end;客户端:
with SQLConnection1 do
begin Connected := False; ConnectionName := 'DataSnapCONNECTION'; Params.Clear; DriverName := 'DataSnap'; Params.Add('DriverName=DataSnap'); Params.Add('CommunicationProtocol=tcp/ip'); Params.Add('HostName=' + appInfo.appSvrIp); Params.Add('port=' + IntToStr(appInfo.appSvrPort)); Params.Add('DSAuthenticationUser=' + appInfo.appSvrUser); Params.Add('DSAuthenticationPassword=' + appInfo.appSvrPassword); end;end;